Sunday, 21 June 2015

Easy Fried Rice Recipe that anyone can cook!

You can't cook? Here is a simple dish you can cook to satisfy your partner.

- 2 servings cooked rice(if you don't have cooked rice follow step 1)
- 2 eggs
- Spring onions chopped (as desire, about 1 or 2 stalk)
- Meat chopped (as desire, about 2 sausage/hotdogs/100gchicken breast)
- 2 tsp cooking oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp white pepper
- 1 cup mix veg

Step 1) For me and my wife, we are not big eater. So I only used 3/4 cup of rice. The easiest way to cook rice is to use 
a. rice cooker, just follow the steps from the rice cooker.
b. steamer, 1rice:1water. Let it steam until the rice is as desire.
c. pot, 1rice:1water. Use big fire to let it boil, follow by small fire for about 15-20minutes.

Step 2) Below is the ingredients you need other than (rice, oil, salt, pepper)

Step 3) Prepare and cooking the ideal egg

 Add half tsp salt & half tsp white pepper to the egg
 Beat the egg, salt & white pepper
 Put 1 tsp on oil
 Spread the oil throughout the pan when its hot
 Pour the egg into the pan and immediately remove from the pan
This will be the ideal egg which you will use to fry with the rice

Step 3) Fry the meat, mix vege & rice
 The meat I'm using
 Chopped it
 If you are using this meat, it has natural oil in it
 You just need fry it until you can see the oil, about 5minutes
 Add the mix vege and fry it for another 5minutes
 Add the rice in and fry it for another 5minutes
While frying, add half tsp of white pepper and half tsp of salt for the flavour

Step 4) Adding the eggs and spring onions
 My ideal egg, some are cook and some are raw so that you can slice those cooked egg with your that are cook with your spatula and the raw egg will mix with your rice
 slicing the cooked egg with spatula
 Video of how I fry the rice
After frying for about 5minutes add the spring onions and fry it for another 1minute.

Step 5) Your fried rice is ready to eat!

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